
1.Fill in the gaps choosing the correct adjectives(0.1*10). Լրացրեք բաց թողնված
տեղերը ընտրելով համապատասխան ածականները(0,1*10)
1. Your English is much  better  than mine. (better/ best)
2. We′ve have had much  more rain this year than last year. (more, most)
3. The place that gets the most rain in the world is a mountain in Hawaii. (more/most)
4. This is harder than I thought. (harder/hardest)
5. I don’t know much, but she knows even less than I do. (less/least)
6. ”How is your headache?” It’s getting worse (worse/worst)
7. He is oldest in the class.(old/the oldest)
8. I’m worst tennis player in the world.(worse/worst)
9. ”I’ll get you an aspirin. That’ll make you feel better (better/best)
10. People say that Rolls-Royce cars are the best in the world.(better/best)


2. Match the beginnings and the ends(0.2*5). Համապատասխանեցնել(0.2*5)
Beginnings Ends
1.Buy the cat food here e) it’ll be cheaper

2.Don’t give her your keys c)She’ll only lose them

3.She’ll be fourteen b) On May 12

4.How is Jane? a) She’ll be ok.

5.She’ll forget d) about it

3.Put the verbs in the correct tense form.(0.2*5) Գրել բայերը ճիշտ

1. Susanna often gets to school late.
– That’s because she  walk slowly.
2. She – worked hard in Mrs. Potter’s garden yesterday.
3. Ann already – passed her exams.
4. Our team lost match last week.
5. Kate, what are you doing now?


4.Fill in the missing words in the text(0.2*5) Լրացնել տեքստում բաց թողած
բառերը: (0.2*5)

This is Tracy’s camera. Tracy for the Daily Mirror. Today she is waiting for the Prince of Wales on the street next to Paddington Station. Prince of Wales wanted
station at twelve o’clock. But today is the day and his train from Cardiff. Finally he arrives. Some people take out their binoculars. But his car doesn’t come around the corner. Goes straight into the fog. Tracy is stuck in the crowd and cannot move. It is unlikely to her. Late! Tracy
can’t take a picture of it.



5.Put the verbs in the past continuous or simple past. (0,25*8) Բայերը տեղադրել
անցյալ շարունակական կամ անցյալ անորոշ ժամանակաձևով: (0.25*8)

1. When the Black Knight rode out his castle, Arthur was waiting outside.
2. Arthur fighting the Black Knight when his sword broke.
3.The Black Knight was winning when Merlin appeared and  saved Arthur.
4. While the Black Knight was sleeping Arthur and Merlin were going to fairy country.
5. The sun was shining when they arrived at the lake.
6. Arthur was  standing  near the lake when a hand came up out of the water.
7. When Arthur and Merlin  came back, the Black Knight was still sleeping on the ground.
8. When Arthur was dying , he asked a friend to throw Excalibur back into the lake.

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